Barefoot Captives: As seen in the picture above.Badass in Distress: She unfortunately gets captured a few times in Little Nightmares II, which leads to Mono having to go and save her.
Her morality only becomes grayer as the game progresses and she first devours a defenseless Nome and later absorbs the Lady's mysterious dark powers.
Anti-Hero: She doesn't seem to care about the other children trapped in the Maw, only intent on saving herself. The Stinger only adds more ambiguity as Six is shown coming out of a TV while what is presumably Shadow Six materializes and glitches in front of her, before glancing at a poster of the Maw as Six's stomach begins growling. Until that point, she's been surprisingly loyal towards him, given her loner attitude in the first game, and he in turn has saved her from the monsters in the Pale City several times and freed her from a horrible And I Must Scream-situation only moments prior. It's anyone's guess why she betrays Mono at the end of Little Nightmares II. Her moral standing after the end of the first game is also unclear for now. It's rather unclear why she eats the Nome that offers her a sausage, or if she is even in control of herself when she eats him. Perhaps she's mocking his death perhaps she's just cold and jaded enough to ignore his tortured screams. while the Doctor is being burned alive inside. Shortly thereafter, she sits down to warm her hands at the grate of the incinerator. In one chapter on the second game, she amuses herself while Mono is away by snapping the fingers off a mannequin hand. Ambiguous Innocence: It's hard to tell whether some of Six's actions are due to a childlike innocence or psychopathic behavior, mostly due to the setting she's in. The second game muddles her morality even further, where she ends up dropping Mono and leaving him for dead for unexplained reasons after saving his life multiple times over the course of the game. In the first game, her first questionable action comes when she decides to eat a Nome, despite having been offered a sausage by it.
Ambiguously Evil: Six's morality is unclear, to say the least.Action Survivor: While she doesn't physically fight against the enemies she encounters (at least in the Maw), Six is capable of daring and cunning feats to survive such encounters.She appears in the second game as an ally to Mono, following him everywhere he goes.
A mysterious little girl in a yellow raincoat and the protagonist of the first game, Six wakes up deep in the belly of the Maw and must use all her wits and courage to find her way out and some foods to satisfy her hungers.